Added the ability to use the ‘upload_posts_image_to_s3’ parameter to save the main post image to s3 bucket for hashtag search. Images are stored in the storage s3 bucket for up to 90 days.
Added the ability to create a music search task details
Added the ability to get reels by hashtag search. To do this, you need to set the sorting to “clips”.
Added the ability to get full name in parentheses.
Added the ability to get new field ‘quoted_status_profile_id’ for posts and posts search.
Added the ability to get all fields followings and followers for profiles using ‘load_followers_data’ and ‘load_following_data’ parameters.
Added the ability to use the ‘upload_avatar_to_s3’ parameter to save avatar to s3 bucket for search profiles. Images are stored in the storage s3 bucket for up to 90 days.
Added the ability to get a screenshot for profiles using the parameter ‘page_screenshot’.
Added the ability to get followers and followings using parameters load_followers, max_followers,load_following and max_following.
Added the ability to get new field ‘following_count’ for profiles
Added the ability to create an ad post search task.
All pricing options remain the same, only the name has been standardized.
Added the ability to get the new field ‘save_count’ for posts
Added the ability to get the link from “Book an appointment” for members using the parameter ‘load_additional_data’
Added the ability to use the ‘load_additional_data’ parameter to get additional company data (is_claimable, highlight_items, parent_company, is_auto_generated, acquired_by)
Added the ability to use ‘title’ parameter to search for jobs
Added the ability to get a company logo to search for jobs
Added the ability to get the type of workplace when searching for a job
Added the ability to get displayed and real links for posts
Added the ability to get a screenshot for members using the parameter ‘page_screensho
Added the ability to get a screenshot for profiles using the parameter ‘page_screenshot’.
Added the ability to use ‘content_type’ parameter to search for posts. This parameter can take the following values: "videos", "photos", "jobs", "newsletters", "liveVideos", "documents".
Added the ability to get four new comment fields (author_full_name, author_username, text_lang, timestamp)
Added the ability to get members contact info using parameter ‘load_contact_info’.
Added the ability to get data from the company's ‘People’ menu (Where they live, Where they studied, What they do, What they are skilled at and What they studied) using parameter ‘load_people_data'.
Added the ability to get community notes for tweets
Added the ability to get "is_claimable" field for companies
Added the ability to get avatars for the experience and education of members
Added the ability to get tweet type (post, reply, retweet, quote).
Added the ability to get featured for members
Added the ability to get a link to the company's website for job search
Added the ability to get total likes for posts
Added the ability to get profile data by profile_id
Add the ability to get alumni count for companies (universities, schools)
Add the ability to get recommendations (given and received) for members
Add the ability to select a date range for scrolling profile posts
Added the ability to get number of followers for member search
Added the ability to get member comments and reactions
Added the ability to get member creation date, member last update
Added the ability to use the upload_avatar_to_s3 parameter to save avatar to s3 bucket for search profiles without getting full profile details. Images are stored in the storage s3 bucket for up to 90 days.
Added the ability to get member posts, comments and reactions by callback
Added the ability to get recommendations for posts
Added the ability to get a rating for pages
Added the ability to get tweet quotes using the load_quotes parameter
Added the ability to get dates in text format in member experience
Added the ability to get author username for tweets at endpoints: posts, posts search and profile when getting posts
Add the ability to get full author name for posts, for posts search and for profile when getting posts
Add the ability to get author username for posts, posts search and profile when getting posts
Add the ability to get author username for posts, posts search by location and by hashtag, profile when getting posts. To get the author's username when searching for posts by hashtag, you must enable the ‘load_posts_data’ parameter.
Add the ability to get all all fields of followers profile
Add the ability to get replays when getting profile data
Add the ability to get skills in job search
Add the ability to get location in tiktok posts when searching for posts by hashtag, when getting a post and when getting profile posts
Add the ability to get profiles that retweeted a tweet
Add the ability to get fact-checking information
Add the ability to analyze profile languages
Add the ability to get replies to tweets
Add the ability to get full working hours for pages
Added the ability to get a link to the image on the background of the FB profile
Added the ability to get tagged users or brands in posts
Add the ability to analyze profile languages
Added the ability to get the number of video views
Added the ability to get the accessibility caption for posts
Added the ability to get the number of the tweet views
Added an ability to get the id of the tweet that was retweeted
These parameters previously worked as a helper for the "request" parameter. By setting a specific language through the "query_lang" parameter, it was possible to improve the filtering of posts by the keywords specified in "query". This process is now automated, and using the “query” and "query_lang" parameter in the request is no longer necessary.
On Facebook, two different IDs can lead to one page with one username (for page and user+). Both IDs are now available in the response (id, delegated_page_id).
Added ability to get e-mail and phone for Facebook pages
Added the filter ‘from_member’ to posts search in Linkedin and the ability to select multiple members (up to 10)
Improved hashtag post search performance
It makes sense to include these parameters in your request if you need to get additional elements in these categories that do not fit on the profile page and require an additional transition to 'Show all' page
Added a new endpoint for searching posts by keyword.
Added the ability to get a screenshot of each post in the profile feed section
Added the ability to receive information about the company by the company ID in LinkedIn.
Added the ability to get video posts for Facebook profile (only Facebook pages or users with “is_additional_profile_plus”=true have this section. The parameter is ignored for groups).
Added the ability to get video posts for the Linkedin company.
Added the ability to get mentions posts for Facebook profile
Added the ability to get a link to other social networks.
Added the ability to save post images. Images are stored in the storage s3 bucket for up to 90 days.
Added the ability to get comments and replies for TikTok posts.
Added the parameter “from_date” to the POST request in a negative integer format (the DateTime can be set to `now()-24h`)